Law studies in Mainz and Glasgow
Graduate assistant at the chair of Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. mult. Winfried Hassemer (Chair of Criminal and Criminal Procedure Law)
Legal clerkship, at, among others, German University of Administrative Sciences, Speyer, Max Planck Institute for foreign and international criminal law, Freiburg
Lawyer since 2006, Knierim & Kollegen (Associate), Dierlamm Lawyers (Partner), Feigen - Graf Lawyers (Partner), Rettenmaier & Adick (Partner), Rettenmaier Frankfurt (Partner)
BMW UK (Int. Intern), BMW of North America LLC (Int. Intern), MAN SE (Secondment Compliance Division)
Felix Rettenmaier regularly publishes academic articles in professional journals and standard works, including the “Manual of the Defence Lawyer” (Dahs), “Manual White-Collar And Tax Criminal Law” (Wabnitz/Janovsky/Schmitt), “Banking Criminal Law” (Schork/Groß), “Fiscal Criminal Law” (Adick/Bülte), Healthcare Compliance (Geiger), “Commentary on the Criminal Code” (Matt/Renzikowski), “Commentary on the Code of Criminal Procedure” (Radtke/Hohmann).
Ombudsperson at, amongst others, the German Olympic Sport Confederation, German Athletics Association
Lecturer for White-Collar criminal law at the German Federal Office of Criminal Investigation (BKA)
Graduate assistant at the chair of Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. mult. Winfried Hassemer (Chair of Criminal and Criminal Procedure Law)
Legal clerkship, at, among others, German University of Administrative Sciences, Speyer, Max Planck Institute for foreign and international criminal law, Freiburg
Lawyer since 2006, Knierim & Kollegen (Associate), Dierlamm Lawyers (Partner), Feigen - Graf Lawyers (Partner), Rettenmaier & Adick (Partner), Rettenmaier Frankfurt (Partner)
BMW UK (Int. Intern), BMW of North America LLC (Int. Intern), MAN SE (Secondment Compliance Division)
Felix Rettenmaier regularly publishes academic articles in professional journals and standard works, including the “Manual of the Defence Lawyer” (Dahs), “Manual White-Collar And Tax Criminal Law” (Wabnitz/Janovsky/Schmitt), “Banking Criminal Law” (Schork/Groß), “Fiscal Criminal Law” (Adick/Bülte), Healthcare Compliance (Geiger), “Commentary on the Criminal Code” (Matt/Renzikowski), “Commentary on the Code of Criminal Procedure” (Radtke/Hohmann).
Ombudsperson at, amongst others, the German Olympic Sport Confederation, German Athletics Association
Lecturer for White-Collar criminal law at the German Federal Office of Criminal Investigation (BKA)
JUVE Handbook 2009 - 2020 (excerpts)
"brilliant analyst"
"competent, quick, solution oriented"
"quick-witted, very pleasant, skilled"
"good and committed team player"
"highly professional, efficient and successful"
Law Firms in Germany 2013
"has earned a superb reputation as a competent criminal defense lawyer in white-collar criminal law."
Handelsblatt/Best Lawyers 2023
Listed as one of the best German lawyers for white-collar crime.